The Fundraising from 2011 to 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to the Irving T. Ho Fundraising Website!

The fundraising project is aimed to reestablish four Undergraduate Scholarships in the School of Microelectronics (SoME) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) to cover the next 10-year scholarships starting this September (2011-2020).

The Scholarships are in memory of Dr. Irving T. Ho (何宜慈) through the Pen-Tung Sah (萨本栋) Foundation. Prof. Sah was a graduate of Tsinghua and Stanford, and later became President of Xiamen University. Dr. Ho was a student of Dr. Sah at Xiamen and received his EE PhD from Stanford in 1962. He was later recruited back to Taiwan by the Taiwanese Government in 1979 to serve as a co-founder of Hsinchu Science Park and a vice chair of National Science Council. Both Professors Sah and Ho passed away in 1998 and 2003, respectively.

As President Sah and Dr. Ho had made great contribution to the cause of education and technology, the Pen-Tung Sah Foundation has further decided to establish scholarships in 2004 to honor Dr. Ho at several top universities in China. By now, 44 Irving T. Ho Fellows in China had been named, including 24 from SJTU and 20 from Tsinghua University. About 10-15 students are now in the US for master/PhD study, including three at Stanford, one at MIT, One at UC Berkeley, one at Princeton, one at Georgia Tech, one at UCLA, one at Columbia, one at UT Austin, and one at UCSB. A few went to Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, and The Netherlands.

While the Pen-Tung Sah Foundation had established four Irving T. Ho Scholarships at SJTU each year from 2004 to 2009, the Scholarships were discontinued in 2010 when the Agreement expired. Under plead of a few advocate SJTU Fellows, we are very appreciative of the Pen-Tung Sah Foundation and the Irving T. Ho Foundation for their joint decision to reestablish the Scholarships in 2011. As honorary Irving T. Ho Fellows who have received the prestigious Scholarships over the years, we feel it is time for them to pass torches on to us so we can transcend the spirits of President Sah and Dr. Ho across generations.

The Irving T. Ho Memorial Scholarship Fund would require 110,000 RMB in gifts to SJTU by December 31, 2011. An aggregate of 100,000 RMB would qualify the Fund for 1:1 matching by a program through SJTU, with more than 90% probability. The goal is to create a fund to benefit 40 outstanding undergraduate students at SJTU for the coming 10 years (2011-2020). The Fundraising Letter drafted in Chinese by the current fundraising organizers explains the long term scope of the Fund.

The column on the left of the webpage will display the latest progress of the fundraising project. The Donor list and the total amount of pledge will be updated as soon as a pledge is made. As most of us are still full-time students, your advice and generous support are appreciated in advance!


Your ad hoc fundraising team